Devotional · Encouragement

The Secret to a Long Life

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 In the past month, I happened to meet two 94-year olds - at different places and different times. Both of them, walking and talking. Healthy as can be. It truly was amazing! Being the kind of person that I… Continue reading The Secret to a Long Life


The Little Things to be Thankful For

Of course I'm thankful for Jesus, my husband, my children, health, a home, a job, food, and clothing... However, sometimes it's the little things we forget to thank God for. So I decided to make a list of all those other little blessings in life. Hot showers: seriously, some people don't know what this is.… Continue reading The Little Things to be Thankful For

Devotional · Thankfulness

Favorite Thing About Fall?

PC: Yev Studios The coming of fall is always so bittersweet to me. I'm crazy about summer: going to the beach, relaxing by the poolside, cookouts, the list goes on. However, fall is such a beautiful time too! I'm so thankful for seasons. That ensures we don't get tired of one particular season, right? God… Continue reading Favorite Thing About Fall?

Comfort · Encouragement · Joy · Thankfulness

I will rejoice in the Lord 

I am sitting a school dinner, and the lady beside me introduces herself. She then proceeds to tell me that Dmitriy saved her life. She heard he was my brother in law. But at this point, I'm really confused how he could've saved her life. Then, she shows me a picture of her car: "Just… Continue reading I will rejoice in the Lord 

Devotional · Encouragement

Encouraging Words for Today

I absolutely love working in a Christian school, and having the opportunity for my child to get a Christian education. Every Wednesday we have chapel, and today's message was simple, yet so profound. It really spoke to my heart, and I thought about different ways of interpreting the message. Picture this: Four kiddos are competing… Continue reading Encouraging Words for Today

Comfort · Devotional · Encouragement · Jesus

When Life Gets Tough

Maybe the world was always so messed up. I'm not exactly sure. When I was a kid, it seemed pretty good. My parents fed me, clothed me, lavished me with toys, gave me a safe and loving home. I was sure everyone lived like this. Until I became an adult. The protection of my parents… Continue reading When Life Gets Tough

Bible · Devotional

Is The Bible Old-Fashioned?

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 People say the Bible is an outdated and old-fashioned book, and that it doesn't need to be followed. I'm not much of a Bible scholar, yet, looking through history, I notice one pattern. Humans… Continue reading Is The Bible Old-Fashioned?

Devotional · Joy

What Steals Our Happiness?

"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Exodus 20:17 Admit it. You've been there. I know I have. Being a completely normal human being, it's an emotion we have all felt… Continue reading What Steals Our Happiness?


5 Spring Family Dates

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 I have a really hard time deciding on what's my favorite season. I've narrowed it down to 2: spring or summer. Even though, every season has its own beauty, I LOVE how everything comes to life in… Continue reading 5 Spring Family Dates

Bible Heroes · Motherhood · Parenting

Mommy Wisdom Wednesday: Day 3

Let's look at more wise and wonderful examples from Biblical heroes... Daniel: *Daniel had the opportunity to be satisfied with worldly things, since he lived in the king's palace after all. *However, he did not make himself unclean from those things. *Just like Daniel, we can keep ourselves clean from the world. We all have… Continue reading Mommy Wisdom Wednesday: Day 3